I'm Bellen--the world's 1ST CRAYON ACTIVIST™ and creator of the goal to get multicultural crayons in the hands of every student so that no kid feels "disincluded"! This happened only AFTER my "many beautiful colors" response changed the skin-color crayon language in my own classroom and school . I spoke with my mom and she made a suggestion... but I came up with my own colorful solution! And it helped everyone around me, and me, too--grow! I'm also 9, a 5th grader, and a member of American Mensa--so in addition to my afro--learning is one of my special things!
And in Spring 2019, my More than Peach™ Project was born. I started donating to students using money I'd saved with the goal of donating to 80,000 students in my community--leaving out no one--because it was important that all kids, teachers, and families were part of the conversation. Bellen's More than Peach Project™ has since become my 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and has also inspired the "big brand" to make big changes! My messages and exclusive products are created to empower students; build awareness; support opportunities in gifted education; and dismantle "perception gaps"—providing an enriching experience to students & adults and creating a platform for all to be heard!
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