From the Mountains to the Sea: We Live Here

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Each book in the series, From the Mountains to the Sea, supports the new BC Aboriginal Learning Standards in both Science and Social Studies.

From the Mountains to the Sea: We Live Here is a Kindergarten resource, which covers all of your Aboriginal Learning Standards in both science and social studies within the new BC curriculum.

Back of book introduction:
This book is about a river. Can you find a river on the front cover of this book? What do you know about rivers?

Most rivers start high up in the mountains. As the water comes down the hill, it makes little pathways in the rocks and gravel. As the pathways get bigger, they join to make streams. Sometimes the streams join together to make a river. Where a river leaves the mountains the ground flattens out, and the river slows down. The river ends when it flows into the sea.

The area in and around a river is a good place for plants, animals and people to live because we can all find food and water there. The salmon is an important food for many of us.

Some of the plants and animals that you will find in this book are:

  • Cedar trees live and grow all the way along a river, from the mountains to the sea.
  • Salmon spend their adult lives out in the open sea. When it is time to lay their eggs, they swim back to their home streams. Their home streams are sometimes very close to the mountains.
  • Bears walk long distances to find their food. They live from the mountains to the sea. In the fall they go to the rivers to fish for salmon.
  • Eagles fly over large areas looking for food. They live from the mountains to the sea. In the fall, they go to the rivers to feast on salmon.
  • Orcas live in the open sea. They swim long distances to hunt for food. Some orcas eat salmon. 

This book is also part of a bundled package that includes:

  • a Talking Feather
  • a boxed rubber stamp collection
  • bulletin board trimmers


Additional Information
Book dimensions: 10" x 14" | Pages: 16 | 

Language: English
Format: Paperback
Text Content Territories: Indigenous Canadian;
Grade Levels: Kindergarten
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