Radish - Pastel Rainbow Stripe Bedding - Duvet Cover & Pillow Case

Duns Sweden
$ 70 $ 49 Sale Sale

The best way to have good dreams? Sleep on top of an amazing print! You'll LOVE this fun pattern and how soft the cotton is (note: this is a woven cotton, not the jersey used for the clothing line).

This set is for a duvet cover & a pillowcase. There are no sheets!

Size Info:

 Size Measurement (cm) North America

Duvet Cover / Sheets: 140 x 100 cm

Pillow Case: 45 x 60 cm

Crib / Cot
Adult - European Size

Sheets: 200 x 150 cm

Pillow Case: 50 x 60 cm

"European Single"

Somewhere between a Twin and a Double/Full

Adult - NZ Size

Sheets: 210 x 140 cm

Pillow Case: 48 x 70 cm

Somewhere between a Twin and a Double/Full

The Ikea twin duvet may be the closest - you can find them here.

In Canada, if Ikea doesn't work you can have the exact size custom-made by the Old Europe Duvet Co..

In the US, you can find European Single size down Duvets from The Down Comforter Store here


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