Deco Palm Tree

$ 8.5 $ 7.65 Sale Sale
This figure fits into any of the birthday and table decorations.

Grimms Decorative Figures are wonderful for decoration on our Birthday Rings, the Birthday and Advent Spiral and Lifelights. On a birthday table, a window-sill and on the nature table it creates a special atmosphere on each of the occasions.

Materials: handpainted lime wood, non-toxic water-based colour stain.

Grimms Decorative Figures are to be used with the celebration/birthday rings, advent spirals, lifelights and branches as decorations only. They are not safety rated for play as they are classified as a decorative item. WARNING: Not suitable for playing.

NEW SHIPPING RESTRICTIONS - As of April 2020, Grimms does not allow the sale and shipping of its products from Canadian sellers to American customers. We apologize for this inconvenience.

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